I’ve got Roaches in my kitchen! We get this all the time. It’s almost as if you’ve stumbled upon a raging party in your own home that you were not invited to when you catch these little roaches in action. They get into everything and just when you think you have got them completely knocked out, here they come again! You’ve set off bombs, you’ve bought everything under the sun certain “this one” will do the trick only to be disappointed yet again. We’ve got some tips to help with these issues.

First things first
These little bugger’s love a few key things…warmth, darkness, moisture and being touched on 3 sides to name a few. They reproduce at crazy rates going from egg to adult in about two months. From there they are producing 5+ eggs per day with 30-40 newborns in each egg. Talk about exponential growth!
Where are the roaches coming from?
Warning Signs and Evidence
One of the most obvious is when heading to the kitchen in the dark and after turning on the lights you see little roaches scattering as mentioned before. There being many, it being night time and them being caught in an area near water (sink, fridge, dishwasher, etc) are all telltale characteristics of the brazen German Roach. Little specs that look like clusters of dark dots made by a hyperactive teenager are their waste matter/feces and is another key sign they are active in your home.
Time of Day
As mentioned before they are most active at night when they are least likely to be disturbed or disturbing…polite little guys, right! However, if you are seeing these critters in the day time and they seem careless of your presence, you have got a pretty severe situation on your hands.
Conducive Conditions
Corrugated boxes are the biggest culprits we have associated through experience to the presence and successful entry of these little critters. Because I prefer to be on the good side of billionaire businesses I will not name names. However, there is delivery service that delivers just about everything to everyone’s doors these days. Our advice…immediately get your stuff out of the boxes and get those boxes out ASAP!
Professional Help
When it comes to German Roaches, a.k.a “The most important Roach on the planet”, It is difficult to take care of them because of the products not being available to the general public. The reason for this seems to be liability related. All of these products are perfectly safe so long as they are applied litigiously as the label (which is the law) directs. The manufacturer’s are relying on the applicator to abide by that. They are safeguarded by federal and state licensure, registration and governance when dealing with licensed pest control companies. When dealing with a homeowner, those same safeguards are not in place leaving the manufacturer’s open to exposure. I would love to say this is just some hair brained and unnecessary approach, but I cannot. It is my stance that these safeguards inevitably protect the home owner and ensure that these awesome products remain on the market to be applied effectively and safely by trained pro’s.
How to get rid of Roaches?
Find the nest, treat it as the label dictates, sweep them up and get rid of the dead, retreat as the label directs. It may seem simple in theory, but it works. If you are doing it on your own, the journey will be long and tiresome, but will keep the population managed. If you want them out for good, give us a call. We are the German Roach eviction experts and we are cheaper and faster than the court systems!
LydyBug Pest Control offers German Roach cleanouts in Orlando and can help you take care of any German Roach problem. Our experts are fully trained and certified in pest control, so you can be sure they will safely and effectively remove the infestation. Contact us for assistance with German Roaches today!