How to Remove Bed Bugs from Wood Furniture

Bed bugs can cause some frustrating issues in your home, including infesting your furniture. Unfortunately, wood furniture can provide a perfect hiding spot for those pesky insects. The presence of bed bugs in your furniture can be quite uncomfortable and unnerving, but the good news is that there are some things you can do to kick them out for good. This guide is designed to provide you with practical tips on how to remove bed bugs from your wood furniture.

Start by Identifying the Infested Areas

Before you begin the removal process, you need to identify the areas that have been infested with bed bugs. Check all the nooks and corners, crevices, cracks, and joints in the wood furniture. Bed bugs love tight spots, so be extra thorough with your inspections. You can use a flashlight or a magnifying glass to help you identify the bugs in the crevices. Once you have identified the areas that have been infested, proceed to the next step.

Vacuum Thoroughly

Vacuuming all the infested areas is one of the most effective ways to remove bed bugs from your wood furniture. Use your vacuum’s crevice tool to reach into tight spots and suck the bugs out. After the vacuuming is done, seal the vacuum bag and dispose of it. This will ensure that none of the bed bugs escape and infest other parts of your home.

Use Steam to Kill the Bed Bugs

Bed bugs cannot survive in high temperatures, so using steam on your infested furniture can be a great way to kill them off. Use a steam cleaner to steam the infested areas, making sure you reach all the tight spots. Leave the furniture to dry for a few hours before proceeding to the next step.

Use Bed Bug Sprays

There are different types of bed bug sprays available in the market that you can use to kill bed bugs on your wood furniture. Choose a spray that contains ingredients that are safe for wood furniture. Before using the spray, read the instructions carefully and follow them to avoid damaging your furniture. Apply the spray to all the infested areas and pay extra attention to the tight spots.

Cover Your Furniture

After you have completed all the above steps, you need to prevent any further infestation by covering your wood furniture with a bed bug-proof cover. These covers are specially designed to prevent bed bugs from entering or exiting your furniture. They are easy to use and can be bought from most home improvement stores.


Removing bed bugs from wood furniture can be a daunting task, but with the tips highlighted in this guide, it doesn’t have to be. Identify the infested areas, vacuum thoroughly, use steam to kill the bed bugs, use bed bug sprays, and cover your furniture with a bed bug-proof cover to prevent further infestation. With a little bit of persistence and patience, you can successfully remove bed bugs from your wood furniture and enjoy a bug-free home.

If you’re looking for an effective way to remove bed bugs from your wood furniture, consider trying LydyBug Pest Control’s heat treatment services. Our experienced professionals use specialized techniques and equipment to raise the temperature inside your home to kill off all the bed bugs in a short amount of time. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you get rid of those pesky bed bugs.

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